The initial investigation of some hemodynamic parameters using USCOM in 8 patients undergoing burn necrosis excision and skin grafting

Nguyen Ngoc Thach1, Nguyen Van Quynh2,, Dang Duc Canh2
1 103 Military Medical Hospital
2 Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital

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Patients with severe burns frequently undergo burn necrosis excision and skin grafting. This operation results in a significant amount of blood loss. As a result, hemodynamic abnormalities must be closely monitored and promptly treated. The ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM) has recently been developed to help noninvasively monitor hemodynamics. However, at the National Burn Hospital, this procedure has been applied to help adjust the hemodynamics in patients with burn shock, septic shock, evaluate the changes in preload, afterload and at heart in the Intensive Care Unit, and it has not yet been used hemodynamic monitoring in patients during surgical excision of burn necrosis and skin grafting.
Therefore, in this study, we initially investigated the change in some hemodynamic parameters through 8 cases of burn necrosis and skin grafting using USCOM. We discovered that the stroke volume variation (SVV) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) parameters were all greater than the normal values corresponding to the age range. The stroke volume variation (SVV) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) parameters were all greater than the normal values corresponding to the age range. However, the parameters of cardiac output (CO) and cardiac index (CI) were all within the normal values corresponding to the age range at the five-time points of the study.

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