Results of care for patients postoperation for open fructure of upper extremmity and some related factors at the Agricultural General Hospital in 2021

Le Thi Mai Phuong1, Phan Thi Dung2,
1 Agricultural General Hospital
2 Hanoi University of Business and Technology

Main Article Content


Objectives: Describe the results of patient care after upper extremity open fracture surgery and analyze some related factors.
Methods: A prospective descriptive study of 134 patients undergoing upper extremity fracture surgery from January to December 2021 at the Trauma Department of Agricultural General Hospital.
Results: The study showed that 83.6% of patients received good care, in which the average length of hospital stay after surgery was 9.43 ± 3.2, 41 (30.6%) patients were hospitalized. less than 7 days and 93 (69.4%) patients were hospitalized for more than 7 days; the surgical wound infection rate was 0.7%. The age factor and the open fracture grade were related to the outcome results with ORs of 2.0 and 3.1 (p both < 0.5).
Conclusions: Patients receive good care after surgery for open fractures of the upper extremities, accounting for a high percentage.

Article Details


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