Successfully treated a patient with 25% body surface burns (degree IV) after 4 months of unsuccessful treatment at a private clinic

Nguyen Bang Tam1,, Le Duc Man1, Ho Thi Van Anh1
1 National Burn Hospital

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A male patient, 11 years old, suffered from gasoline burns, on March 23, 2022. After the burn, his family took him to apply for traditional medicine at a private clinic. After 4 months of treatment here, the patient had not recovered, so his family moved him to the National Burn Hospital at 4h25 am on July 11, 2022; locally, burns 25% of the total body surface area (25% of full-thickness burn area), IV degree in the neck, anterior and posterior of the body, pale granulomatous tissue, edema, many pseudomembranous membranes, foul-smelling exudate, while traditional medicine adhered, limited movement of the chin, neck, 2 armpits, 2 elbows. The patient was operated on 5 times to cut the bad granulation tissue and was grafted skin with mesh.
Treatment results: The skin grafts adhered well and the patient recovered after 38 days of treatment (from July 11, 2022, to August 18, 2022), and then he was transferred to the Department of Rehabilitation on August 18, 2022.

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