Assessment of antibiotic resistance rate bacteriological strains that cause sepsis at the National Burn Hospital (01/2016 - 12/2021)

Truong Thi Thu Hien1,, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong1, Hoang My Hanh1
1 Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital

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During the period from January 2016 to December 2021, 1641 patients were assigned to have blood cultures, 165 patients had positive blood culture results, and 177 strains of bacteria and fungi were isolated, of which 12 Patients were able to isolate 2 types of pathogens during treatment. Out of 1641 patients assigned to have blood cultures, the percentage of patients with positive blood cultures was 10.05%. All positive samples were identified and an antibiogram was performed. The study results showed that the rate of Gram-negative bacteria causing bacteremia was 64.4%, fungi 23.2%, Gram-positive bacteria 12.4%. In the group of Gram-negative bacteria causing bacteremia, the leading group is Aci. baumannii (20.34%); followed by P.aeruginosa (14.68%); C. tropicalis (10.73 %). In the group of Gram-positive bacteria causing bacteremia, the most common cause is Staphylococcus aureus (7.91%).

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