Health education activities of nurses at Thien An Gynecology Hospital in 2022

Phan Thi Dung1,, Nguyen Viet Tien1
1 Thien An Gynecology Hospital

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Background: Health education is an important duty of nurses which helps to improve the health of patients.
Objective: Describe the patient’s feedback on the health education of nurses at Thien An Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in 2022.
Subject and methods: A cross-sectional study among 390 inpatients during the period from April 2022 to October 2022 agreed to participate in the study. The questionnaire consists of 16 questions to assess the level of health education of nurses.
Results: 93.6% of participants rate the quality of nursing education as good. The proportion of participants who received instruction on the admission procedure was 89%, 92.6% received health education during hospitalization, 85.1% received health education when they discharge. There 81.5% of participants received health education at admission, during hospitalization, and before discharge. 100% of patients think the health education capacity of nurses was good. And 99.7% think these education sections were easy to understand. There is a relationship between the patient's education level and the level of assessment of health education activities of nurses and midwives.
Conclusions: The majority of participants have good feedback on health education, and the rate of patients receiving health education at admission, hospitalization, and discharge was high. There is a relationship between the patient's education level and the level of assessment of health education activities of nurses and midwives.

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