Knowledge and first aid training needs of first-year students at Yersin University of Da Lat in 2023

Hoang Trung Tien1,, Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh1
1 Da Lat Yesrin University

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Aim: The study aimed to assess the knowledge and first-aid training needs of first-year students at Yersin University of Da Lat in 2023.
Subject and methods: Cross-sectional description of 329 first-year university students based on a pre-built questionnaire.
Results: 56 students (17.02%) achieved knowledge of first aid, 95.5% agreed with the need for first aid training, and the training needs of students accounted for 84.2%, 79% of students want to engage in extra-curricular activities.
Conclusion: It is necessary to include first aid in training for students.

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