Survey on the anxiety level of patients before surgery at Ha Dong General Hospital in 2023

Nguyen Thi Phuong1,
1 Ha Dong General Hospital

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Study Objectives: This research aims to assess the anxiety levels of patients before surgery and examine various associated factors.
Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 190 preoperative patients at Ha Dong General Hospital's Department of Gastroenterology and Thoracic Neurology. Anxiety levels were evaluated using the DASS-21 scale. The study took place from January to May 2023.
Results: The findings revealed that 68% of the patients experienced anxiety. Specifically, the anxiety rate among patients in the gastrointestinal surgery department was 68.4%, while it was 67.4% in the thoracic neurology department. However, the observed difference in anxiety rates between the two departments was not statistically significant. The primary concerns expressed by patients were fear of post-surgical pain (85.3%) and anxiety regarding potential complications after the surgery (53.2%). The study demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between preoperative anxiety disorder and factors such as gender, education level, and participation in health education counseling activities (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: 68% of patients have anxiety before surgery. This study establishes a correlation between the anxiety levels of patients and several factors, including gender, education level, and participation in health education counseling activities.

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