Status of emergency equipments in ambulances in pre-hospital emergency

Nguyen Hong Son1, Tran Quoc Viêt1, Bui Duc Thanh1,, Nguyen Huu Ben2, Tong Duc Minh2, Nguyen Quang Tuong1, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung1, Dao Tan Duy1, Vu Dinh An1
1 175 Military Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

Main Article Content


Objective: Surveying the current status of emergency equipment in ambulances in pre-hospital emergency response.
Subjects and methods: A descriptive study of the operation, usage, and response characteristics of ambulances according to standards in Circular 27/2017/TT-BYT and characteristics of medical equipment on ambulances according to Decision No. 3385/QD-BYT on 105 ambulances currently at 115 emergency centers in 6 provinces, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Ha Nam, Quang Nam, and Tien Giang.

Results: The majority of ambulances were in good condition, accounting for 83.8%, achieving quality inspection issued by the Department of Transport (95.2%) and obtaining an emergency transport license by the Department of Health (80.0%). There were 75.2% of ambulances that meet the standards according to Circular 27/2017/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health, of which 89.5% meet the standards on the outside of the vehicle, 83.8% meet the standards on the inside of the vehicle and 81.0% met standards for other specialized equipment. There were 60.0% of ambulances fully equipped with 5 groups of essential equipment for pre-hospital emergency care, the most complete was ventilation respiratory support equipment, and 6.7% of ambulances had all 8 fully equipped groups according to regulations (6.7%), a high completeness rate was all kinds of respiratory support tools, bandages, gauze of all kinds, blood pressure measuring tools, stethoscopes, thermometer.
Conclusion: The percentage of ambulances still in good use was relatively high, however, the medical equipment and instruments in ambulances were largely inadequate according to prescribed standards.

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