Characteristics and the results of treatment of burn patients with COVID-19

Doan Chi Thanh1,, Hoang Van Tu1, Nguyen Hong Thai1, Nguyen Thi Thuy Lien1, Le Thi Dung1
1 National Burn Hospital

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Objectives: Identify some characteristics and evaluate the results of treatment of burn patients with COVID-19.
Materials and methods: Using a retrospective study method on 58 medical records of burn patients with COVID-19 inpatient treatment at the National Burn Hospital, from January 2022 to May 2022.
Result: The number of male patients (44) was higher than that of women (14), infected with COVID-19 mainly during the period of being hospitalized (74.14%). Patients aged under 6 years old and 18 years old accounted for a high proportion (41.38% and 44.83%). The leading cause of burns is wet heat (44.06%). General and deep burns of less than 10% of the body area are mainly (56.90% and 65.90%), patients tested positive by rapid tests mainly after admission < 7 days. Most of the patients had symptoms of fever when the rapid antigen test was positive (75.86%). The group of patients aged 18 and over was mainly vaccinated with 1 or 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine. 60.34% of patients received surgical intervention after a negative COVID-19 test, 72.41% received antibiotics, and 46.55% received intravenous fluids.
Patients tested negative mostly within 2 weeks of testing positive. The mean treatment day in men was 42.68±25.63, in women (35.43 ± 16.76). The age group from 18 years old had significantly more average days of lying down (46.54±26.82), and electric burn patients had the longest length of stay (56.18 ± 26.49). All patients infected with COVID-19 were treated stably, had a negative rapid test, returned to the departments for continued treatment (91.38%), or discharged from the COVID-19 unit (8.62%).
Conclusion: Burn patients infected with COVID-19 are a group of patients who need special care and treatment. The treatment of patients should be accompanied by measures to prevent and control the epidemic and to prevent outbreaks in medical facilities. It is necessary to improve the people's knowledge of first aid for burns in addition to strictly following the recommendations on epidemic prevention and control of agencies and departments.

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