Status of depression, anxiety, stress of patients before surgery at the Thanh Nhan Hospital 2024

Le Hai Anh1, Phan Thi Dung1,2,
1 Hanoi University of Business and Technology
2 Thien An Obstetrics Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: Describe the current state of depression, anxiety, and stress of patients before surgery at Thanh Nhan Hospital, in 2024.
Research subjects and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 226 patients before surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Orthopedics, Thanh Nhan Hospital, the level of depression, anxiety, and stress was assessed based on the DASS-21 scale. Research from January 2024 to June 2024.
Results: Before surgery, 23.9% of patients had depression, 35.4% had anxiety and 28.8% had stress. Of these, the rate of mild depression is 10.2%, moderate depression is 12.8%, and severe depression is 0.9%. The rate of mild anxiety is 9.7%, moderate anxiety is 14.2%, severe anxiety is 10.6% and very severe anxiety is 0.9%. 13.7% of patients feel mild stress and 15% of patients experience moderate stress.
Conclusion: Before surgery, patients suffered from depression, anxiety and stress. Rates of depression, anxiety and stress at different levels. Therefore, improving and promoting mental health care for patients as well as psychological assessment of patients before surgery in the future is extremely necessary.

Article Details


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