Overview of hospital safety in disaster

Nguyen Nhu Lam1,2, Nguyen Tien Dung1,2, Le Quoc Chieu1, Ngo Minh Duc1,
1 Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Disasters have caused great loss of life and property, including medical facilities. WHO developed the Hospital Safety Assessment Toolkit in 2008 and revised it in 2015. The Vietnamese Ministry of Health developed and issued the Hospital Safety Assessment Toolkit in 2013. Hospital safety assessment reports in disasters have pointed out the shortcomings that need to be overcome at each time and depend on many factors in different countries. Therefore, countries need to develop assessment tools for their hospitals following current conditions, circumstances, and regulations. Assessments must be conducted periodically and objectively to provide appropriate recommendations and solutions.

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