Introduction of military hospital safety index in disasters

Nguyen Nhu Lam1,2, Nguyen Tien Dung1,2,, Tran Dinh Hung1,2, Ngo Minh Duc1, Le Quoc Chieu1, Tran Quang Phu1, Nguyen Thai Ngoc Minh1
1 Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

Main Article Content


Aims: To introduce disaster safety index for military Hospitals
Objective and methods: The disaster safety index for military Hospitals was developed based on the update and addition of the hospital safety index issued by WHO in 2008 and 2015 and by the Ministry of Health in 2013; currently related legal documents and standards. A workshop to solicit expert opinions for completing.
Results: The safety index for Military Hospitals has 224 criteria, divided into 3 groups. Group A: Structural and non-structural criteria related to architecture; Group B: Construction equipment systems ensuring safety for users; Group C: Management in emergency and disaster situations. Each criterion is assessed according to 3 levels: sufficient, partial sufficient and insufficient. The safety level of the hospital is assessed according to 3 levels: High, medium, low based on the total score of all criteria.
Conclusion: The disaster safety index for military Hospitals was successfully developed. It is necessary to conduct assessments in order to complete and issue for use.

Article Details


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