Characteristics of anxiety disorders of burn patients in the rehabilitation phase

Dang Thanh Quyet1,, Tong Duc Minh1, Tran Khac Chien2
1 Medicine Military University
2 175 Medicine Military Hospital

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Objectives: To describe the characteristics of generalized anxiety disorders of burn patients in the rehabilitation stage at the Institute of Le Huu Trac National Burns Hospital.
Subjects and methods: A descriptive study on 150 burn inpatients during rehabilitation treatment at the Rehabilitation Department at the National Insitute of Burns - Le Huu Trac from August 2021 to October 2021.
Results: The manifestations of generalized anxiety disorders of burn patients in the rehabilitation stage had different levels of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological manifestations, manifestations of low self-esteem, excessive anxiety, alienation behavior, and somatic symptoms.
Conclusion: The majority of patients presented with occasional symptoms, some rarely and often.

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