Assessment of practice of standard infection control precautions among healthcare workers at the Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital

Nguyen Thi Huong1,, Luong Dinh Tuan1, Nguyen Hung Thang1
1 National Burn Hospital

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Objective: To assess the practice of standard infection control precautions among healthcare workers at Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital.
Subjects and Methods: Health care workers including doctors, nurses and trainees of clinical departments from July 2022 to April 2023. Prospective, descriptive observation study on the practice of hand washing, sterilization and sterilization of medical instruments in clinical departments.
Results: 1/Proportion of hand hygiene of medical staff: Trainees 21.1%, Doctors 36.7%, Nurses 38.6% and only 22.5% complied with all 6 steps of hand hygiene. Through two methods of monitoring surgical hand hygiene, the compliance rate observed directly at 45.3% was higher than that observed through the camera at 25.1%. The rate of positive samples in the hands of medical staff was 21.6%.
2/ Practical skills of the sterilization-sterilization process: The ratio of mixing chemicals with the correct concentration and soaking time for full sterilization was only 70%, the preparation of preliminarily disinfecting chemicals with the correct concentration only reached 51.7% and the tools after use were submerged only 58.3%. All other contents are above 80%. There were 8/30 samples of semi-essential medical equipment contaminated with bacteria (26.7%). The bacterial species isolated were mainly Bacillus (75.0%).
Conclusion: Compliance with some infection control procedures by medical staff in clinical departments of Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital has still not been high.

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