Results of medical examination and treatment for patients at level 2, level 3 islands of infirmary on the T Islands

Nguyen Hong Son1, Tran Quoc Viet1,, Bui Duc Thanh1, Hoang Viet Hung, Le Trong Dung2, Nguyen Quang Tuong1, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung1, Dao Tan Duy1, Vu Dinh An1
1 175 Military Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objective: Research the characteristics and results of medical examination and treatment for injured and sick people at infirmary on level 2 and level 3 islands of the T archipelago from 2018 to 2022.
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive study on the characteristics and results of medical examination and treatment of patients at the infirmary of level 2 and level 3 islands of the T archipelago in the period of 2018 - 2022.
Results: The total number of patients examined at the infirmary was 4496 times, an average of 75 times/month, examination for soldiers is the main (87.88%). The rate of patients receiving treatment accounted for 8.52%, patients are soldiers accounting for 93.73%. Disease structure focuses on some groups such as Injury, poisoning, and consequences of some external causes (20.01 ± 1.55%), diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissues (16.85 ± 0.56%), diseases of the digestive systems (15.16 ± 0.59%) and diseases of the respiratory systems (14.25 ± 2.38%).
The 5 most common diseases include soft tissue wounds; inflammatory skin diseases; Inflammation, acute upper respiratory tract infection; Irritable bowel syndrome, and fever of unknown cause. The total number of emergency patients was 91, patients are soldiers accounting for 62.64%. The emergency rate accounted for 23.76% of the total collection. Treatment for patients at the infirmary is mainly internal medicine (75.53%). 9 patients were transported to the mainland for further emergency and treatment.
Conclusion: The medical examination and treatment at the infirmary of level 2 and level 3 islands in the period of 2018 - 2022 has achieved some results: The total number of patients examined at the infirmary was 4496 times, an average of 75 times /month. The rate of patients receiving treatment accounted for 8.52%. There were 91 patients in emergency and 9 patients transported to the mainland.

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