Knowledge, attitude and practice of medical staff in pre-hospital emergency

Nguyen Hong Son1, Tran Quoc Viet1,, Bui Duc Thanh1, Dao Trung Hai2, Tong Duc Minh2, Nguyen Quang Tuong1, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung1, Dao Tan Duy1, Vu Dinh An1
1 175 Military Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

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hospital emergency based on 1,200 medical staff participating in the survey of the pre-hospital emergency status and the ability of the local health care system.
Results: The majority of medical staff were required to complete patient care reports (92.83%), however only 22.25% of reports were assessed for quality. Emergency centers provided continuing medical education programs, however, this rate was only 24.67% and was not related to patient care quality assessment results. In terms of attitudes, most medical staff agreed with the importance of patient care documentation, as well as the role when this documentation was evaluated, and agreed with determining who performs and evaluation methods and quality. Regarding practice, evaluating the quality of patient care was mainly based on accumulated experience (25.75%) and skills assessment (23.58%).
Conclusion: The majority of medical staff did not receive evaluation reports on the quality of patient care, while most medical staff wanted to receive assessments and know about performance results and improvement through continuing medical education courses based on competency assessment results.

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