Bước đầu đánh giá giá trị tiên lượng của IL-6 và sST2 với biến chứng ở bệnh nhân bỏng hô hấp

Nguyen Thai Ngoc Minh1,, Tran Dinh Hung1,2, Nguyen Nhu Lam1,2, Le Quang Thao2
1 Vietnam Military Medical University
2 Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital

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Objective: Evaluate the concentration and prognostic value of il-6 and sST2 in blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for infectious complications and treatment outcomes in inhalation injury burn patients.
Subjects and methods: Prospective descriptive study on 20 adult inhalation injury burns patients, hospitalized within 48 hours of burn injury. Patients treated at the Intensive Care Unit - Le Huu Trac National Burns Hospital from August 2022 to August 2023.
Results: The patients studied had a median age of 37 years old, with the majority being 80% male, a median large burn area of 74.5%, and 41.5% deep burns. The classification of inhalation injury was mainly 1st degree (40%), 2nd degree (50%) with only 2 patients with 3rd degree (10%). The mortality rate of study patients was 65%. Pneumonia complications were 75% and the BAL IL-6 on day 7 was 212.47pg/ml, which was significant in predicting the risk of pneumonia (p < 0.05). Complications of sepsis were 25%, serum IL-6 value on day 7 was 316.03pg/ml, BAL IL-6 value on admission was 133.32pg/ml and sST2 BAL value 1.06 ng/ml on admission has predictive value for the risk of sepsis (p < 0.05). The serum IL-6 value in both times was 138.29 pg/ml and 313.47pg/ml, which was significant in predicting the risk of death (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Quantitative tests of IL-6 and sST2 are valuable in predicting the risk of complications of pneumonia, sepsis and mortality in inhalation injury burn patients at the time of the day admission and day 7 after burns.

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