Assessment of training program results for nurses at the Viet Nam - Cu Ba Friendship Hospital in 2020

Phan Thi Dung1,
1 Ha Noi University of Business and Technology

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Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the training program for nurses at the Vietnam - Cu Ba Friendship Hospital in 2020. 
Subjects and methods: A prospective, descriptive study made in 60 nurses at the Vietnam - Cu Ba Friendship Hospital from August 2020 to November 2020. The nurses before and after the training program must answer a set of multiple-choice questions with 86 questions divided into 4 parts. The nurses with the percentage of correct answers < 60%, 60 - 79% and ≥ 80% in each section will get average, good and excellent scores,respectively.
Results: After the training, the percentage of nurses had excellent scores in the part 1 (88.33%), the part 2 (10%), the part 3 (34.5%), the part 4 (40%), respectively compared to before training were 4.84%; 0%; 0%; 0%. After the training, the percentage of nurses who had good scores in part 1 (5%), part 2 (20%), part 3 (41.4%), the part 4 (50%), respectively compared to before the training was 24.19%; 9%; 9.7%; 0%. After the training, the percentage of nurses who had average scores in part 1 (7%), part 2 (70%), part 3 (24.1%), the part 4 (10%), respectively compared to before the training was 70.97%; 91%; 90.3%; 100%.
Conclusion: The training program for nurses at the Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Hospital in 2020 showed significant efficacy, contributing to the improvement of the quality of patient care with the result after the training, the percentage of nurses got the excellent score at the part of the knowledge of assessment and planning of patient care (88.33%), the part of improving nursing capacity in the operating room (10%), the part of the skill of using a peripheral catheter (34.5%), the part of the skills of surveillance and problem solving for the head nurse (40%), respectively higher than before the training were 4.84%; 0%; 0%; 0%. 

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