Evaluation results treatment wound with cold plasma at Vietnam -Czech hospital

Nguyen Hong Dao1,, Le Van Tuan1, Nguyen Van Duong1, Phan Anh1, Nguyen Anh Tu2, Pham Trung Dung1, Dao Thi Minh Thu1, Hoang Huyen Thu1, Nguyen Thi Nhung1, Ngo Thi Minh Thuy1
1 Viet Tiep Hospital
2 Viet Tiep hospital

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Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) is a group of various chemical active species, such as ozone and nitric oxide, generated by working gas.
We conducted this study at Viet-Czech hospital from June 01, 2021, to September 30, 2021, to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CAP as a novel therapy for wound healing. In this randomized clinical trial of 52 patients with wound, pressure ulcer and burn, the application of cold atmospheric plasma resulted in improvement in wound healing, which is associated with earlier discharge from the hospital.

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