Date Published: 21/09/2022


Characteristics of burns in children under six-years-old admitted to the National Burn Hospital.
Tran Dinh Hung, Ngo Minh Duc
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Page: 7-14
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics in elderly burns treated at the National Burn Hospital for 3 years (2017 - 2019)
Dang Tat Thang, Chu Anh Tuan, Ngo Minh Duc
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Page: 15-22
Characteristics and prognostic value of serum Triglyceride (TG) level in severe burn adult patients
Nguyen Nhu Lam, Nguyen Hai An, Ngo Tuan Hung, Phan Quoc Khanh
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Page: 23-28
Some factors related to knowledge of hand hygiene among students clinically trained at the Saint Paul General Hospital
Luong Anh Vu, Pham Van Tan, Vu Phong Tuc, Dang Thi Thu Nga
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Page: 29-40
Research and building procedure use of allograft skin preserved by Glycerol 85% for treatment deep burns wounds
Chu Anh Tuan, Nguyen Hai An, Le Quoc Chieu, Nguyen Nam Giang
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Page: 41-52
Survey the incidence and treatment outcome with Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in severe burns patients at the Intensive Care Unit, Le Huu Trac National Burn Hospital
Tran Thi Diu Hien, Nguyen Hai An, Tran Dinh Hung, Ngo Tuan Hung
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Page: 53-60
Research the difference between EGF and VEGF concentrations in patients with chronic wounds treated with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Nguyen Tien Dung
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Page: 60-70
Histopathology characteristics of peripheral arteries on damaged limbs by high-voltage electrical current.
Tran Quang Phu, Do Luong Tuan, Mai Xuan Thao, Truong Dinh Tien
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Page: 71-79
Determination of an optimal formula for calculating the energy requirement of a severely adult burn patients.
Nguyen Nhu Lam, Phan Quoc Khanh, Ngo Tuan Hung, Nguyen Hai An
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Page: 80-86
Successful treatment of severely high-voltage electrical burn-in pediatric
Ho Thi Van Anh, Le Duc Man, Nguyen Ngoc Tuan
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Page: 87-93
Arterialized venous flaps: A review of the literature.
Translators: Do Trung Quyet
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Page: 94-98
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory distress syndrome in burn patients: A case series and literature update
Translators: Ho Thi Van Anh
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Page: 99-105